The Raw Milk Revolution w/ Phyllida Warmington

What is the connection between birth work and dairy farming? Why lie about raw dairy? And how has veganism been sold to us as the nutritional and environmental solution it really isn’t? 

In this episode we explore ethical dairy farming and debunk the raw milk myth 
all through Phyllida’s story of transforming herself and her family from vegan to meat eating micro dairy farmers—intimately connected with the wheel of nature.
This episode is best enjoyed with a tall glass of Raw Milk! 😋

About The Guest:

Phyllida is a full time farmer part time birth keeper living in the south west of the UK . She’s an ex vegan turned cattle farmer in her first year of setting up a raw milk micro dairy, where she also produces pasture fed beef.

Connect w/ Phyllida:

Instagram- @cothelstone_micro_dairy

Connect w/ NinNeru’aEl:

Instagram- @qioflifebirthkeeper


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