Design Your Life w/ Tamara Tashna

In this episode we explore the energetic and physical importance of  wearing natural fabrics and dyes, the ancient science and medicine of plant and animal textiles as well as sigil (symbol) magic and how we can reclaim this ancient art currently used by every name brand to evoke specific energies and outcomes. All of this and more as Tashna guides us through the multifaceted  world of design and how it can be used to elevate your life!


About The Guest:

Tamara Tashna Downes is a designer and sonic gardener , passionate about creating more awareness around the subtle energy medicine of botanically dyed garments. She enjoys reminding folks that botanically dyed garments are another access point to collaborate with plant consciousness as a tool for attunement and healing. The same goes for sound design, perfumery and patternmaking.

She’s from Brooklyn, NY and now lives in the South 

Her current exploration is sound design and music production.

Connect w/ Tashna:

Connect w/ NinNeru’aEl:

Instagram- @qioflifebirthkeeper


Book A Discovery Call-


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