Manifesting With Your Moon Cycle

Moon cycles, once collectively acknowledged as sacred and a period (literally and figuratively) of immense healing, power and cleansing. Now, corrupted and thought of as a period of loathing, fear, disgust, shame and disempowerment by manipulators who've corrupted our divine, sacred, ancestral rituals, knowledge and practices and painted them out as "fear-based", disgusting and disempowering. Real-eyes the manipulation here…what are the manipulators afraid of? Why are they afraid of this knowing being embodied? They're afraid because this knowing empowers us and reminds us that it is truly us who holds the power. They’re afraid because when we embody this power… our birth right, the illusionary systems, paradigms and cages of mental, emotional and physical slavery collapse—ripping them of their false power. And when this false power obtained by manipulating the creative energy of the REAL creators is removed...they cease to exist. That being said the intent of this writing is to assist in remembering, re-claiming and re-embodying the divine nature of our feminine, creative energy and the potency and power that comes with it. THIS KNOWLEDGE CAN NEVER DIE BECAUSE REAL CREATORS NEVER DIE, WE TRANSFORM, REFORM AND COME BACK STRONGER THAN EVER THROUGH THE PAIN AND UNRAVELLING OF TRANSFORMATION WHICH IS TRUE CREATION! SO, IT IS!

To further understand our moon cycles, let’s first reflect on the symbology of the moon and what she teaches us. The moon represents the divine mother in all of her aspects. The creator, the nurturer, the destroyer. She symbolizes the yin (feminine) energy of receiving, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Nurturing, holding space and incubating what she’s received, transforming it into newness (i.e. creation) or releasing what she’s received through destroying and purifying which transforms it which ultimately creates newness in and of itself. She holds the true vibration of abundance through merging with all of herself feminine and masculine—receiving and knowing when it’s time to release in order to receive more. She symbolizes intuition and trusting in the flow of existence. Trusting in the insights, premonitions and knowing you feel deep within yourself. For this is your source of power.

She represents the strength and power to create great waves so massive they obliterate anything blocking her path and the power to create gentle waves moving calmly up and down, around and over all blockages. Both waves wash to shore all of the toxic residue and hidden gems found within the depths of the water. Purifying them and bringing forth the opportunity to create newness. The question is…are you taking this opportunity to harness the power that the wave has brought in? The moon symbolizes lunacy… Are you resisting the build-up and crash of the wave being created inside of you—creating chaos and lackadaisical dispersion, leaking of energy?  This can show up as the chaotic emotional response/reaction of projecting emotions onto others. What is this teaching you about yourself? How can you harness and re-direct this energy for the benefit of yourself and all others?

The moon and the moon cycles of women are synonymous. As above so below. The wave within us is at its peak, crashing and releasing all that lies beneath. You cannot hide from the wave so deep... for even frozen waters transform what they keep.

The waves that are our emotions, roused during this time hold POWER! They fill us with passion and creativity bringing us up to our highest fields of love and crashing down, bringing us deeper into the truth of who we are—releasing and washing the gems of our creation to shore.Our emotions through the wave bring up all of the pain held within that we need to face and transform through, which manifests physically as cramps; the swords tearing out the infections (symbolically) within our wombs. The intense pressure the river must exude to obliterate the muck damming its flow. The wave as symbolized by the blood is used to purify and alchemize these emotions and pain into energy that can be used beautifully to heal inner wounds and to create the reality, we truly desire.

The moon is magnetic and so are you, EVEN MORE-SO during your moon cycle. This means your moon cycle is one of the most potent times to create, reform and shift your reality a.k.a manifest. This is because during our moon cycles we are more consciously connected to our subconscious realms. Think about it… Have you ever been having thoughts of how annoying someone is being but not said anything to clear the situation until BOOM! Your moon cycle hits and you can’t hold your tongue. This is your subconscious (yinrealm/ realm of creation) manifesting consciously as a result of the heightened sensitivity brought on by your moon cycle. In this situation you’re allowing the wave to bring up what you’re resisting in order to clear and learn from it.

Our psychic gifts (in my opinion natural and un-publicly recognized abilities), the ability to see, feel, smell, hear and know beyond are also turned ALL THE WAY UP during our moon cycles again, because of this conscious connection to our subconscious realms, where that which is hidden remains. This means it’s easier to look into our subconscious and clear the outdated and self-destructive programming held there via emotional wounds, trauma, feelings of unworthiness etc.… and release them as the blood, (which is also symbolic of the waters of purification) releases any cellular debris and unneeded waste from our wombs. Through releasing when our body is naturally releasing and when we’re more tapped into our subconscious, we’re more easily able to re-program our subconscious’—programming them to that which is conducive to our growth and what we’re truly wanting to experience. Changing our programming or shifting our perception, changes our paradigm and therefore, our reality.

So how to we harness the healing power, and magnetism of our moon cycles to manifest? Check out Manifesting with your Moon Cycle Part 2: How to Manifest with your Moon Cycle, detailing practical ways to heal and manifest with your moon cycle!

How do you connect with your moon cycle? What does the moon mean to you? What symbolism do you associate with the moon? Do you feel connected to the moon? Let me know in the comments bellow! Have anymore question about manifesting with your moon cycle? Contact me! I'm happy to discuss!

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Much love and bliss!

NinNeru'aEl Hogg


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